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Thermal Conductivity

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Trident™ Thermal Conductivity Application Highlight: Accelerated Thermal Conductivity Testing of Aerogels with MTPS
The following Application Highlight features the use of the Modified Transient Plane Source method in the thermal conductivity testing of aerogels.  Aerogels represent a class of ultra-lightweight...
Trident™ Thermal Conductivity Application Highlight: Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Hair and The Influence of Thermal Protectants
The following Application Highlight addresses the thermal conductivity measurement of human hair using the Modified Transient Plane Source (MTPS) method.  To achieve a desired style, hair can be...
Trident™ Thermal Conductivity Application Highlight: Testing Granular Materials Using the TLS Needle Probe
The following Application Highlight features the use of the Transient Line Source method in the thermal conductivity testing of granular materials.  Granular materials (such as polymeric pellets,...
Trident™ Thermal Conductivity Application Highlight: Thermal Mapping and Filler Settling Detection in Polymer Composites With MTPS
The following Application Highlight features the use of the Modified Transient Plane Source method as a qualitative screening tool for the detection of filler dispersion uniformity in polymer...
Trident™ Thermal Conductivity Application Highlight: Measuring Thermal Conductivity of Lubricants with MTPS
The following Application Highlight features the use of the Modified Transient Plane Source method in the thermal conductivity testing of lubricants.  In modern mechanical devices, lubricants serve...
Trident™ Thermal Conductivity Application Highlight: Measuring Thin Film Samples using Flex TPS Sensor
The following Application Highlight addresses the measurement of polymeric thin films using the Flex Transient Plane Source (TPS) sensor and the Thin Films utility available on Trident.   Thin...
Trident™ Thermal Conductivity Application Highlight: Testing Ice with Flex TPS
The following Application Highlight addresses testing of samples in subambient conditions using the Flex TPS module with C-Therm’s Trident.    Many groups want to test their materials at...
Trident™ Thermal Conductivity Application Highlight: Monitoring Resin Stability and Sedimentation with MTPS
The following Application Highlight summarizes the use of C-Therm’s MTPS method in monitoring the stability of a filled resin system.  Thermally conductive adhesives are a key component for...
Trident™ Thermal Conductivity Application Highlight: Testing Concrete with FLEX TPS
The following Application Highlight addresses testing of concrete using the C-Therm Trident™. The document highlights the use of bulk thermal conductivity testing on porous samples with the...