As automotive manufacturers move towards greater electrification of vehicles, adequate thermal management has become a greater priority than ever before. The large battery in EVs requires significant heat dissipation to avoid thermal runaway of the battery cells. Therefore, many EV manufacturers are using two component (2k) thermal adhesives to address these issues.
Join special guest speakers Elizabeth Knazs, Business Development Manager, and Matthew Haney, Chemist at HB Fuller, to discuss the current trends in EV thermal management, and how HB Fuller’s adhesives offer structural stability, and improved thermal conductivity over a wide temperature range. Data from C-Therm’s Modified Transient Plane Source (MTPS) sensor will be shown, measuring the adhesives’ thermal conductivity in both the cured, and uncured state.
This webinar aired on April 27, 2023 @ 2:00PM GMT-4.
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