Convection is the transfer of heat through physical fluid motion, and it can be forced (such as fluid flowing in a heat exchanger or what swimmers experience in a stream with a current) or natural (such as that which will occur as water is heated in a pot). Natural convection, caused by temperature-induced differentials in fluid density, is particularly concerning as a source of measurement error in thermal conductivity test methods. A poorly designed test method will induce fluid convection, resulting in gross overestimations in thermal conductivity test results. A properly designed transient test method for liquids uses a short test time, low heater power, and low sample volume to minimize the risk of convection on the test results. C-Therm’s Modified Transient Plane Source method is optimized for effective fluid testing without the risk of convection, owing to how it is designed to meet all of these requirements.
This webinar focuses on how C-Therm’s Trident thermal conductivity analyzer can be used to evaluate the thermal properties of fluids. Particular attention will be paid to heat-transfer fluids and petroleum oils.
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