
Metal Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage Metal Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage

Thermal Conductivity of Metal Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage

Trident Thermal Conductivity Instrument, equipped with the MTPS, TPS, and TLS sensors, is capable of measuring the thermal conductivity of metal hydrides for the characterization of hydrogen gas release.

The use of hydrogen as an energy source has become increasingly important in recent years as the calls to abandon fossil fuels grow. The inherent fluctuations of solar and wind energy have resulted in the search for an energy source with a constant, steady supply. Hydrogen energy has presented itself as a clean, renewable energy with prominent applications in the transportation industry. Hydrogen has a high energy per mass of fuel, but its low ambient temperature density corresponds to a low energy per unit volume. Therefore, developing advanced storage methods that have potential for higher energy density is required. The most popular way to store hydrogen is reversibly in a solid state sorbent material. This solid state sorbent can absorb hydrogen chemically – called chemisorption – or physically – called physisorption. Metal hydrides are a particularly versatile form of chemical hydrogen storage for their low pressure requirements, high gravimetric energy density, and reversibility. Understanding the structures and properties of metal hydride systems is crucial for uncovering their hydrogen storage capacities.

Metal hydrides are formed by the reactions between metal alloys and hydrogen at specific temperatures and pressures. Hydrogen absorption and desorption in metal hydrides are exothermic and endothermic reactions, respectively, and therefore thermal management is an integral part of adequate hydrogen storage. The sorption process is entropically unfavorable, so as temperature increases, the last term of the Gibbs Free Energy equation (below) dominates and can overwhelm the energetics of the system. This slows down hydrogen sorption and results in poor cycling kinetics.

Gibbs Free Energy

The thermal conductivity of metal hydrides can be tested when they are in either powder or pressed pellet form; therefore, the optimal method varies. The Transient Plane Source (TPS) double-sided sensor is suited for rough and heterogeneous materials, making it an applicable choice for testing metal hydrides. The Transient Line Source (TLS) is ideal for testing granular materials and powders which makes it another effective method. Likewise, the Modified Transient Plane Source (MTPS) sensor has also proven to be useful when outfitted with the High-Pressure Cell (more details below).

  • The Transient Plane Source (TPS) sensors are available in sizes of 6 mm, 13 mm, and 30 mm, which provides the user with maximum flexibility when testing samples.

    The Transient Plane Source (TPS) sensors are available in sizes of 6 mm, 13 mm, and 30 mm, which provides the user with maximum flexibility when testing samples.

  • The Transient Line Source (TLS) sensor is C-Therm's most robust sensor and can be outfitted with a pressure cell to test metal hydrides under representative conditions.

    The Transient Line Source (TLS) sensor is C-Therm's most robust sensor and can be outfitted with a pressure cell to test metal hydrides under representative conditions.

  • The Modified Transient Plane Source (MTPS) sensor can be outfitted with C-Therm's High-Pressure Cell to test metal hydride powders under high pressure.

    The Modified Transient Plane Source (MTPS) sensor can be outfitted with C-Therm's High-Pressure Cell to test metal hydride powders under high pressure.

How is Thermal Conductivity Used and Measured?

Thermal conductivity of metal hydrides is an important performance indicator. Van’t Hoff’s Law governs the equilibrium of metal hydride systems; it shows that if temperature climbs too high, the kinetics of the cycling will be slow. In contrast, the Arrhenius Equation shows how increasing temperature will increase the reaction rate. Therefore, there are a variety of concerns in terms of thermal management, especially for materials with high activation energy.

Van’t Hoff’s Law

The Arrhenius Equation

Metal hydrides also pose unique safety considerations. Due to their reactivity, it’s important to test them under inert atmospheres. This can be done by using an inert atmosphere glove box, or by using the High-Pressure Cell (HPC) accessory from C-Therm. The HPC allows for the sample to be isolated from air and therefore safe from combustion. It can safely characterize the thermal conductivity of samples under elevated pressure environments up to 2000 psi. Thermal conductivity also plays a role in determining the rate of hydrogen generation for some storage configurations. Since metal hydrides release hydrogen upon heating, it is important to understand the thermal characteristics of the hydrides and their housings to accurately characterize how much heat the hydride is absorbing.

  • C-Therm's High-Pressure Cell for MTPS is ideal for measuring the thermal conductivity of metal hydrides as a function of pressure.

    C-Therm's High-Pressure Cell for MTPS is ideal for measuring the thermal conductivity of metal hydrides as a function of pressure.

  • The TLS Needle can also be fitted with a High-Pressure Cell to implement representative environments for metal hydrides.

    The TLS Needle can also be fitted with a High-Pressure Cell to implement representative environments for metal hydrides.

  • A graph showing the volumetric storage density of hydrogen in various storage systems; the solid metal hydrides consistently have high hydrogen densities

    A graph showing the volumetric storage density of hydrogen in various storage systems; the solid metal hydrides consistently have high hydrogen densities

  • Hydrogen mobility is a growing hydrogen storage application. As the many components of hydrogen vehicles interact, maintaining good thermal management is crucial.

    Hydrogen mobility is a growing hydrogen storage application. As the many components of hydrogen vehicles interact, maintaining good thermal management is crucial.

It is crucial to characterize the factors that influence the effective thermal conductivity of a metal hydride bed such that the heat and mass transfer structure of metal hydride hydrogen storage devices can be optimally designed. The FLEX TPS method has been used to measure the thermal conductivity of pelletized TiFeMn hydride. The entire configuration, consisting of the sensor, a clamping device, and two identical pellet samples was placed inside the pressure vessel. The pellets’ thermal conductivity was then measured under various conditions (room temperature, vacuum, air, and hydrogen pressure).

As seen in the figure above, after maintaining the vacuum (Step 1) for about 5 minutes, the TiFeMn pellets’ thermal conductivity is measured to be 0.69 W/mK. When the ambient air is restored (Step 2), the thermal conductivity increases to 1.77 W/mK. Inducing the vacuum again (Step 3), the thermal conductivity is measured to be 0.70 W/mK. After applying 6.9 bar of hydrogen gas (Step 4), the thermal conductivity drastically increases to 5.44 W/mK. The hydrogen gas was vented, and the different atmospheric conditions were then repeated, and the measured thermal conductivities measured those previously measured.

Powder forms of the TiFeMn hydride samples were subject to similar experiments using the 50 mm TLS sensor. The powder was packed into a cylindrical container and placed into the pressure cell before the needle probe was inserted into the center of the sample. Thermal conductivity was measured under various atmospheric conditions and the results are shown below. It should be noted that between Steps 3 and 4 when an additional 5.5 bar of hydrogen pressure was applied, the thermal conductivity barely increased, indicating a saturation point in the hydrogenation of the hydride powder.

Trident’s FLEX TPS and Needle TLS methods successfully characterized the thermal conductivities of the pelletized and powder TiFeMn hydride under different atmospheric conditions. Measuring the thermal conductivities of the metal hydride within expected high-pressure operating conditions is essential in improving the fundamental understanding of their heat transfer capabilities. C-Therm wishes to thank and acknowledge Dr. Jacques Huot for lending his expertise and use of facilities at the Institut de recherche sur l’hydrogéne at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) during this project.

To access the full application highlight, click here.

Metal hydrides can be characterized by various systems. The AB5 system of metal hydrides are common for hydrogen storage where the A element often comes from the rare earth elements (like lanthanide) and B is a transition metal (typically Ni). These systems generally have poor gravimetric capacity but very good kinetics and relatively good volumetric capacity. Even in powder form, they tend to have a similar thermal conductivity to that of polymers. With the addition of binders or thermally conductive additives, they can become very conductive and be good for cycling. There are other categories of metal hydrides such as complex metal hydrides in the form of AB4, where A is an alkali metal and B is a boron family element. These alloys tend to have very high volumetric and gravimetric storage capacities but poor kinetics. This is partly due to the high activation energy of hydrogenation and dehydrogenation and also due to their low densities which results in poor packing in powder form and therefore low thermal conductivity. Therefore, the biggest challenge for their application as a hydrogen storage medium is to resolve the issue of low thermal conductivity to enable efficient cycling and good thermal management. It can be seen from this persisting issue that thermal conductivity plays a key role in the research of thermal management for metal hydride systems. C-Therm is committed to catalyzing the research of metal hydride systems through innovative technology, expertise, and collaboration.

  • Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

    We purchased C-Therm's TCi Thermal Conductivity Analyzer originally to characterize the thermal conductivity of metal hydrides. We liked that it could operate in a wide range of environments and test different materials. It provides accurate, unambiguous thermal conductivity results. What I've really come to appreciate about it is how easy it is to operate. Our students can train on it for 30 mins and be proficient in being left on their own in running their samples. We have many visiting scholars that used C-Therm's TCi for many types of samples. This equipment is really versatile.

    Dr. Jacques Huot,

    Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières More Testimonials
  • AEV Group

    We have been using the C-Therm Trident for a few years now with a team of varied levels of experience. The C-Therm Trident is simple to train on and use for even our most junior staff, while still capable of delivering high value analysis of our products. The ease and speed of sample preparation and testing is key to our principal projects, allowing us to test and compare a large range of prototype formulations very quickly, without the limitations of machining samples.

    Dan Nicholls,
    Global Technical Manager

    More Testimonials
  • Graphenano

    The acquisition of the equipment has been very important for the development of the thermal projects carried out by our company. In addition to the simplicity and robustness of the instrument, the human team of this company has solved many problems and helped us on countless occasions. From our point of view, a wise choice to trust in C-Therm.

    Antonio Patón,
    Process Control Engineer

    More Testimonials

Case Highlights

Thermal Conductivity of Absorbed and Desorbed Metal Hydrides

The following is a case highlight from a paper that can be read here.

As the need for cleaner forms of energy grows, metal hydrides look to be a promising way to store enough hydrogen to meet future energy requirements. A complex metal hydride storage medium of 2LiBH4-MgH2 was proposed as an optimal candidate for hydrogen storage based on its cost, availability, and energy density. However, the thermodynamic and heat transfer properties of the system need to be understood in order to design proper storage tanks for the material.

The effective thermal conductivity of the complex metal hydride was measured at different temperatures in both the absorbed and desorbed states using C-Therm’s Modified Transient Plane Source (MTPS) sensor.

Thermal conductivity as a function of temperature for both the absorbed and desorbed state of the complex metal hydride

This graph shows that while the absorbed state has a higher thermal conductivity, both exhibited quite low thermal conductivities compared to other common materials. This provided insight for the design of a thermal management system; since the hydride itself would be insufficient at dissipating enough heat, other solutions must be found such as additives or active cooling.

Thermal Conductivity of Magnesium Hydride

The following is a case highlight from a paper that can be read here.

Magnesium hydride is an attractive material for hydrogen storage due to availability and energy density; however, it does have a high temperature of operation and slow reaction kinetics. Heat transfer issues prove to be one of its most significant draw backs, as poor heat transfer could result in the melting of the magnesium, or the stopping of the reaction during desorption.

One proposed solution was to press the powder into pellets to achieve higher thermal conductivity and doping the hydride with vanadium catalysts to improve thermal conductivity. Vanadium compounds were added by first ball milling the compound, reducing its particle size. The thermal conductivity of pure magnesium hydride powder was found to be 0.092 W/mK, however this decreased for all the trials after ball milling had taken place. The results for pressed magnesium hydride powders can be seen below:

Thermal conductivity of magnesium hydride pellets, with differing particle sizes and additives

This shows that while pressing the powder did have a large increase on thermal conductivity (about 20x), the addition of vanadium or vanadium oxide on a catalyst had little impact, meaning that larger particle size should be prioritized over the use of additives.

Using Thermal Conductivity to Control Hydrogen Release

The following is a case highlight from a paper that can be read here.

As metal hydrides receive more research and funds, more effort goes into characterizing them. In this particular experiment, a sealed stainless-steel vessel has been used to stored the metal hydride in either powder or pellet form. However, it is important to characterize a wide range of metal hydrides to understand how much heat needs to be put into the stainless-steel vessel in order to release a given amount of hydrogen gas.

The thermal conductivities of metal hydrides in both powder and pellet form were tested using the Modified Transient Plane Source (MTPS) sensor. Due to the reactive nature of metal hydrides, they were all tested in an inert atmosphere glove box. The results of various metal hydrides can be seen below:

A graph showing the thermal conductivities of common metal hydride materials, both as a powder, and compressed pellet

These results allow for better control of hydrogen release based on energy input, depending on the type of hydride or solid state used.


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