Trident harnesses the power of three different transient methods for testing thermal conductivity. Get maximum versatility with modified transient plane source (MTPS), transient plane source (TPS), and transient line source (TLS) testing all in one modular package.
Trident allows for thermal conductivity testing of a wide range of solids, liquids, powders and pastes and conforms to ASTM D7984, D5334, D5930, ISO 22007-2, and GB/T 32064.
Organizations seeking thermal conductivity instruments need to navigate the broad range of solutions and device configurations available. When you request more info from C-Therm, you’ll receive a customized recommendation for how to measure thermal properties for your application and industry.
When you fill out the form, you’ll also receive instant access to:
● The Trident Product Brochure, where you’ll learn about the benefits of easy plug & play testing with Trident’s 3-in-1 sensor.
● The Thermal Conductivity Method Selection Whitepaper, where you’ll discover the best method for measuring the thermal conductivity of your samples using Trident’s multiple industry-standard testing options.
Get a firsthand look at Trident, C-Therm’s premier thermal conductivity instrument. Watch the demonstration to learn how Trident adapts to the sample and not the other way around, representing a new paradigm in thermal conductivity measurement devices.
Learn about the differences between the various methods to measure thermal conductivity, including; Guarded Hot Plate (GHP), Guarded Heat Flow (GHF), Laser Flash Diffusivity (LFD), Transient Plane Source (TPS) and Modified Transient Plane Source (MTPS).
Explore C-Therm’s Niche Expertise
C-Therm helps customers in numerous sectors address their challenges and measure thermal conductivity quickly and precisely.
Our Patented Technology is Used Around the World
• 3M
FLEX Transient Plane Source Sensor testing thermal conductivity of polymer composite.
Polymer Thermal Conductivity Measurement
C-Therm has provided a breakthrough in the characterization of critical performance attributes of conductive polymers used in electronics and automotive industries. The main advantage the technique offers is the flexibility to test a wide range of sample geometries. As an example, clients at a large polymer producer use the test samples from their tensile testing regimen to also test the in-plane and through-plane thermal conductivity with the C-Therm modified transient plane source (MTPS) sensor. There is no longer the need to destructively machine or form specific sample sizes/dimensions to test thermal conductivity.
From Explosives to Ink Toners
The C-Therm MTPS sensor is being used to safely test the stability, degradation, and shelf life of explosives because it is the only instrument engineered for evaluating the thermal conductivity of powders safely. Sample volumes are as small as 1.25 ml. This is also critical to a rapidly growing client base in metal hydrides, where materials are expensive and available in low quantities. The technology is also migratable to manufacturing environments as a cost-effective way to monitor powder processes for moisture and homogeneity.
Keeping the Hottest Electronics Cool
The faster and smaller microprocessors become, the more heat they generate. C-Therm’s Trident provides vital insights into the development of all materials that contribute to the overall thermal budget, including thermal interface materials such as thermal grease and gap pads. These materials are typically compressible and the thermal conductivity varies with changes in the densification of the material. Clients use the C-Therm Compression Test Accessory (CTA) to precisely control the compaction of the sample in producing results reflective of the actual application conditions for the material.
Under Pressure
C-Therm’s Trident thermal conductivity instrument is helping manufacturers improve the heat transfer properties of liquids. C-Therm’s equipment is unique in offering the capability to accurately measure the thermal conductivity of liquids; the short test time (<1 second) and small sample volume requirements negate the convective errors typical in liquid testing with traditional techniques. As an example, clients in the Oil & Gas field use C-Therm’s High Pressure Cell (HPC) accessory in measuring the impact of elevated atmospheric conditions and temperature on the thermal conductivity of fluids.
Developers of Industry-Leading Thermal Conductivity Measurement Equipment
C-Therm is an industry-leading thermal conductivity equipment manufacturer, pioneering innovative sensor technology for the world’s most prominent manufacturers, research facilities, and academic institutions to test and measure the thermal properties of materials.
C-Therm’s Trident thermal conductivity instrument represents a paradigm shift in thermal conductivity measurement and its inventor earned the Manning Innovation Principle Award and an R&D 100 Award. These coveted awards go to top global innovators and place C-Therm in the distinguished company of the ATM, Polaroid™ and anti-lock brakes.
Since its launch, C-Therm’s unique technology has evolved to new levels of accuracy, speed, and flexibility. Today, it is being used around the globe for R&D, quality control, and on-line production monitoring in a wide range of industries.
Award-Winning Innovation