Seaforth Geosurveys Inc. acquired C-Therm’s instrument in 2014 and continues to measure the thermal conductivity of core samples retrieved from the seabed, onboard research vessels.

Figure 1: Technicians at Seaforth Geosurveys testing core samples using MTPS Sensor
Precise and accurate thermal conductivity measurements are important in geology for numerous reasons. Determining the effectiveness of geothermal heat transfer and dissipation through different geological materials is of great importance for hydrogeology studies, geothermal industry, geophysical and geotechnical studies and the shale gas and oil sand industries. Thermal properties of geological samples can be accurately measured using a C-Therm Modified Transient Plane Source (MTPS) Sensor
Seaforth Geosurveys specializes in the development, implementation, and delivery of innovative marine survey and engineering services for clients within Canada and internationally. Incorporated in 1994, this Canadian company is headquartered in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia and offers innovative marine geomatics solutions ranging from general ocean mapping to comprehensive hydrographic & oceanographic surveys in support of engineering and environmental projects.
In a review of TCi in March 2018, David Lombardi, President of Seaforth Geosurveys said:
“Seaforth Geosurveys turned to the C-Therm TCi for effective thermal conductivity characterization in our exploration vessel’s on-board lab. The portability and ease of use of the instrument allowed our technicians to rapidly measure thermal conductivity of our geological core samples accurately and consistently in a 24-7 operation. As a Nova Scotia based company working worldwide, we were pleased to have a local, made in Atlantic Canada solution for our project requirements. We would recommend the TCi for any research or screening with a focus on geological and/or in-situ applications, and we will continue to utilize it on new exploration missions.”
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